Included in the Sustainability Yearbook for 13 Consecutive Years

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that the company was listed in the Top 5% of the most sustainable companies in its industry in the Sustainable Yearbook 2023 by S&P Global, the world’s leading credit rating company headquartered in the U.S. This is the 13th straight year that Konica Minolta has been named in the Sustainability Yearbook.

S&P Global calculates a total ESG score of up to 100 points for each company to assess the sustainability of business practices in the economic, environmental and social dimensions, and selects the top-performing companies in each industry for inclusion in its Sustainability Yearbook. The companies listed in the Sustainability Yearbook 2023 were selected from among more than 7,800 leading companies around the world. Konica Minolta is one of the two Japanese companies recognised as a Top 5% company in the “Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics” sector, along with five other companies.

Sustainability strategy of Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta has identified social and environmental issues that must be addressed by 2030 and set the following five material issues to be tackled:

  • Improving fulfilment in work and corporate dynamism
  • Supporting healthy, high-quality living
  • Ensuring social safety and security
  • Addressing climate change
  • Using limited resources effectively

These five material issues are linked to Konica Minolta’s business growth strategy and are now the cornerstones for action in each business area. In alignment with the value creation process of each business unit, Konica Minolta is implementing initiatives for both business growth and sustainability to create value for customers and the broader society.

Reference: Evaluation by external parties

Konica Minolta is currently included in global ESG indexes and is ranked high in the ESG ratings, as shown below.

FTSE4Good Index Series (UK)

Included in the index consecutively since 2003

FTSE Blossom Japan Index (UK)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index(UK)

Included in the index since its establishment in 2022

MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index (USA)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (USA)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (USA)

Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific): Included in the index consecutively since 2009

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index (USA, Japan)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2018

S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook (USA)

Included in the Sustainability Yearbook consecutively since 2011

Corporate Knights (Canada)

Ranked among the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World (2011, 2019-2023)


Maintained the highest Prime Status since 2011


Included on the Climate A List
(2013-2014, 2016-2017, 2020-2022)



Melanie Olbrich
Melanie Olbrich

Senior Corporate Communications & Content Manager