• Supply Chain Management

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Working to establish a sustainable society in which human rights are respected

The Konica Minolta Group pursues customer satisfaction by creating innovative products and services that contribute to the development of society, in line with our management philosophy 'The Creation of New Value.' It's our belief that, as well as being responsible for its products, a business like ours is also socially responsible for improving labour conditions (human rights), ethics, the environment, and health and safety throughout the supply chain¹ that delivers those products and services to its customers. To realise these improvements, we:

  • Practise environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) procurement at our manufacturing bases
  • Work closely with the suppliers of raw materials and parts for our products & services
  • Co-operate with our manufacturing and logistics suppliers

We believe that making these improvements increases the corporate value of both Konica Minolta and its suppliers. Further, it allows customers to purchase our products with peace of mind and in the knowledge that they're contributing to the development of a sustainable society. We recognise too that ESG procurement is more than just our social responsibility: improving working conditions can also increase employee satisfaction and lower attrition rates — which, in turn, reduces business risk and raises quality throughout the supply chain.

¹Supply chain: The series of activities involved in delivering a product or service to a customer, ranging from procurement and production to distribution and sales.

Embedding respect for human rights into our supply chain

Respect for human rights and prevent human rights abuses is a basic requirement in our business activities, a key goal of our ESG strategy, and a driving force behind our work to create a sustainable and ethical supply chain that's rooted in ESG principles.

Konica Minolta Procurement

Policy Statement

The Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH complies with all applicable laws, regulations and standards in the countries where we operate or are based. We have the same expectations towards our partners. To achieve compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in the supply chain, we collaborate across departments and with our partners closely.

As a global company, Konica Minolta operates in 150 countries around the world. In our procurement activities, we establish partnerships with our suppliers based on fairness and transparency, and aim to build a sustainable society by fulfilling social responsibilities with our suppliers. As part of our commitment to responsible business and to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we work to ensure that our supply chain meets our own high standards.

As well as upholding such standards within our company, we ask our suppliers to adhere to the same principles when they conduct business with us. We aim to bring our suppliers with us on the journey towards best practice: we provide support to help suppliers improve any issues that come to light through assessments and audits.


Find the latest version of our General Purchasing Conditions, Policy, Reports and the Supplier Code of Conduct in English on our website:
