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  • Managed Endpoint Detection & Response

    Protect against cyberattacks with EDR


Effective, affordable cybersecurity for SMEs

Phishing, malware, ransomware – these and other cyberattacks can have serious consequences, including brand damage, business disruption, and regulatory fines for data breaches. But many SMEs haven't yet rolled out effective cybersecurity measures for reasons such as cost, complexity, lack of access to the right skills and expertise, and unclear business value.

Konica Minolta's Workplace Intrusion Patrol offers a simpler, more affordable way to improve your defences and lower the chances of a successful cyberattack. You don’t have to add in-house cybersecurity skills, resources or hardware: our managed endpoint detection and response (Managed EDR) solution is cloud based and fully managed by Konica Minolta experts.

Developed specifically with SMEs in mind, Intrusion Patrol is an endpoint security service that significantly reduces the business risk of attacks that originate at endpoints – servers, computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. The risks can be elevated when employees work from home or in other remote locations without the protection of the company firewall or other central security measures.

Prevent cyberattakcs with EDR

The ability to discover and eliminate stealthy attacks is valuable whether an organisation's existing protection is mature or not. If your organisation is at an early stage of its cybersecurity maturity, an EDR solution is a great way to quickly improve your defences. In better protected IT environments, EDR solutions reinforce the defences provided by existing security solutions against more determined hackers, who are likely to cause more severe damage.

By adding a complementary line of defence at the endpoint, Intrusion Patrol stops intruders before they can damage your endpoint devices or use them as a springboard for more serious attacks on central systems and data. Intrusion Patrol covers user endpoints regardless of where people are working.

Real-time protection with Workplace Intrusion Patrol

Intelligent endpoint detection and response (EDR) software installed on your endpoints provides real-time data feeds into our analytics service for round-the-clock monitoring, analysis and response.

If the service detects a threat or any kind of anomalous behaviour, it will automatically take action to remove the threat, or engage the Security Operations Centre (SOC) for more advanced analysis and response. If a stealthy attack manages to spread despite the activated service, the SOC team will collaborate with other security specialists to mitigate the incident.

Customer benefits

  • Reduced risk of cybersecurity incidents with an effective, always-on endpoint protection service
  • 24x7 coverage at a lower cost than organisations can typically achieve in house
  • Simple pricing model and predictable spend
  • Peace of mind with a fully managed EDR service
  • Easier access to more affordable cyber insurance
  • Support for regulatory compliance efforts, including elements of GDPR and the upcoming NIS2
Workplace Intrusion Patrol

In the past, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may have considered themselves at less risk of cyberattacks than larger enterprises. Today, however, it’s clear that cybercriminals will target organisations of any size to make money – generally by stealing valuable data (such as intellectual property, or client or employee information) for resale, or holding a company’s data or IT systems to ransom.

Learn more on protecting against cyberattacks in our eBook.

Konica Minolta
CYBERSECURITY FOR SMBs – Simplified, effective protection for your business, managed by experts

Are you already working in a Microsoft environment? Learn more about the cybersecurity risks to identities, data and endpoints, and how to protect these three key areas, which are most important for SMBs, with our
Workplace One
(identities and data) and
Workplace Intrusion Patrol
(endpoints) services in our eBook.

Konica Minolta